wild things
#8 // 11 April 2015

you say you miss me, you whisper it into my ear into my skin into my mouth
you say you miss me, you burn it into my hands you sew it into my skin you leave a raging war in your wake
you say you miss me,
but you don’t miss me enough to keep up our conversation

in the dark, your hands come all over me, you hold me like i’m the last thing left on earth, you kiss me like you never want to leave
i never wanted this, i hate you for having led me on, i should’ve known better,
i should have compartmentalised you from the start
stop lying to yourself, he found a way under your skin

it’s just another case of bad timing
and this time it is not my fault.
#7 // 03 April 2015

i love the smell of freshly printed papers in a cold room
the smell of freshly baked buns on a rainy morning
the smell of your skin fresh out of the warm shower
of you curled up next to me
#6 // 30 March 2015

I want you back here
I need you so much closer

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